Friday, February 14, 2014

To You: (Singular.)

Always, Continuously. With increasing anticipation and decreasing hope. I will love you if you choose to move away or if you choose to stay. I will love you with I will love you with no regard to the love of others or the hatred of parents.  I will love you no matter how many mistakes I make when trying to to do calculus, and no matter how difficult it is to memorize your consistently new address. I will love you no matter how your baseball team played in the tournament winning game  or how many stains I got on my cheerleading uniform. I will love you no matter what kind of car you drove (I liked yours, though), or how you decided to spend your time after school. I'll love you even though you ate my half of the napoleon. (That wasn't the best day ever, by the way.)

I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday. I will love you if you cut your hair although I hope you keep it how it is.  I will love you if you forget my birthday and I will love you if you betray your father.

I will love you until all the emails and letters worldwide have been open and read and responded to.

I will love you like the car crash loves the tears of the daughter who just lost the father and the father loves the daughter even though he's gone. I will love you like the dog loves to run and the running dog loves run away and make the previously mentioned sad girl sadder. I hope you still love me even though I killed our fish. I tried, to keep it alive, though.  I will love you because you make me feel like I am on the moon. (Except sometimes I get scared and I am all "OH MY GOODNESS IM ON THE MOON AND NOTHING HAS EVER LOOKED LIKE THIS EVER BUT I ALSO FEEL LIKE I CAN'T  BREATHE". I suppose that is actually very accurate because when you look at me that way it makes my heart stop, and I can't breathe for a second, either.)

I will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, and now we are so far that only email is reasonable. (Mail is expensive when sending internationally.)  I will love you until the chances of us running into one another slip from slim to zero. I will love you if you spend your time thinking of impossible scenarios, like I sometimes do. 

I will love you if you don't choose me. I will love you if you choose someone else. I will love you if you are always alone, and I will love you if you if you do finally choose me. And I must say,  especially on cold nights, I prefer the last scenario out of all the scenarios.

That is how I will love you.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Stream of Consciousness:

I was just thinking about what I would say to YOU if you got in the elevator. How about "Please tell your mom to stop commenting on my instagrams." Too Hostile. Oh, I've got it: I wasn't mature enough to handle our relationship; but not a day goes by that I don't--

It's just that all I've ever wanted is to be  all you've ever wanted, and even though I can't suppress the thought that the only thing worse than using emoticons in conversation is using hastags, and I think that the better you are at Twitter, the worse you are at life, I want to know: what is the emoticon for existential loneliness in the universe ? AH don't leave me, do not go gently into that good night. What is a Cronut, anyway? Why isn't my father Hugo Guinness, and why does no one know who Hugo Guinness is? There is a certain sadness for artists the because people do not realize who painted 'Spectrum' or 'Night Hawk' and how as long as I live paintings will be hung on walls, untied in thoughts to their respective artists, and artists will lay in unmade beds, alone, probably. Also lets talk about how 'happy hour' is usually from two to four, which is more than one hour, and how people are bought into the idea that leasing a car is actually a good idea, and that there is a thing called the 'Real World'. (There isn't). Why isn't that coat SENSIBLE, mom? The antagonist. Just because it is BLUE doesn't mean it doesn't GO with EVERYTHING. Is a woman raised by wolves really human? No. I should be able to buy more $100 pair of shoes without feeling guilt like a murderer feels guilt and some theives have a lack of it. 

And I can't stop thinking about the warmth in my toes and the color of my hair and how I hope one day I'll have some spare time and I'll be at the grocery store or in a Barnes & Noble or maybe I'll be in a coffe shop, not getting coffee, because it's likely you'd be there, and out of the corner of your eye, you will spot my newly colored hair and have to do a double take, and then you will shout my name, and we will be so happy because we finally, finally got it right.
